Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Few More Pics Of Hawaii

Not much to say here-long day spend lugging a ladder through a few hundred feet of trails to tie property markers higher so the tractor guy can see them before he has run them over. So here are just a few more pictures from the last month:
Orchid in the wild

Pineapple plant


Street view of the property

Jungle view of the property

A nice spot that's only about 6 feet deep in brush. (Taken with the balancing on the top of a ladder cam.)

About 200 feet into the property, and at this point I'm not sure if it was horizontally or vertically, or perhaps even both?


  1. Are the orchid, pineapple, and banana on you property? So cool that there are a few low spots that you can clear out easier! Loving the blog format, fun to read about your escapades-you are a great writer!

  2. Nice! Great pictures! Lucky guy - it’s 15 degrees in Denver right now ��
