Saturday, March 9, 2019

Today confirmed an interesting fact. Whether I like it or not, (and I do like it) I will always be chased by motorcycles in some way or fashion. Whether it be the sound of a V-twin throbbing at it's steady lope, a flash of two wheeled chrome rolling by, or even a child's two wheeled toy, motorcycles and I are quite evidently entwined in each other's lives. Take, for example, this set of photos. I can't even wander to a coral littered beach without one of those two wheeled things just having to find me. See it? It's right there in this first photo:

Well, I didn't at first, but there is a front end buried in this stuff.
See it now?
Yep, another motorcycle part has washed up right in front of me! How do these things just happen to find me?

I don't know how, but me and motorcycles are somehow always entwined with each other. I can't even escape them at the beach!!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Banyan Drive in Hilo

Took a drive to Hilo today, needed to have a light day. In Hilo there is a road named Banyan Drive which is bordered by some fantastic banyan trees. This swings around an area known as Reeds Bay, and was the place to be back in the day. Many of these trees were planted back in the 1930's, and a few by a couple by prominent people of the day who were guests in Hilo. One can only imagine the pageantry and pomp that would have gone along with the certain individuals below planting a tree in Hilo town! What I found so amazing is that these trees are still going strong today, almost 85 years later.

Also had the cruise ship in, towering over everything in the port of Hilo.
Evidently not a very productive day, but I enjoyed rambling around and learning a bit more. Cheers!