Monday, February 25, 2019

A Week Or So Later

I managed to get very lucky this past month. I knew it was going to take a wee bit more than some old guy with a machete and other hand held instruments of destruction to make a good road and pad on the property, so I knew a tractor of rather large size would be handy. I found a guy named John who has over forty years experience on the island, and good references too. So he told me to get the boundaries marked, and he'd work in a time. I hustled, got my part done, and let him know. He called back in a week's time with a scheduling date: "Joe, how's tomorrow at 9 sound?" "SURE!!!!!" I replied, knowing that it is normally a two or three month backlog. Next morning, John was there, and he and the D-9 started working on a 200 ft. driveway and a 100 x 100 ft. pad. By Saturday noon, he was done. Next step is some rock to help define and smooth both areas.

Please note that the final photo of Ginger (somebody in Hawaii named their cat Ginger?) really has nothing to do with this part of the story, but since this is written by someone named Deadstiffcatt, random stupid kitty photos are to be expected...….

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Few More Pics Of Hawaii

Not much to say here-long day spend lugging a ladder through a few hundred feet of trails to tie property markers higher so the tractor guy can see them before he has run them over. So here are just a few more pictures from the last month:
Orchid in the wild

Pineapple plant


Street view of the property

Jungle view of the property

A nice spot that's only about 6 feet deep in brush. (Taken with the balancing on the top of a ladder cam.)

About 200 feet into the property, and at this point I'm not sure if it was horizontally or vertically, or perhaps even both?

A New Beginning

Looking at things from a slightly new perspective. Last thing I remember is that I was working the stupid job in California with not too bright of a future. Things have changed a bit since then.
To make a long story short, let me put it to you this way. Most people go on vacation and buy a T-shirt, I bought two acres. Of Jungle. In Hawaii. As enough of you have read the details via other sources up till now, here is where I'm at today.
   Been on the Big Island of Hawaii a month now. I sold the house in California, and have moved everything I care about here, and have almost finished closing out the mainland life. I'm not on the property yet, I have just had boundaries marked and am getting in line for D9 tractor work so I can start building a magnificent mansion measuring a staggering 240 square feet.
    Ironically, as I was posting this I realized that my last post almost 2 years to the day is why I nade this change!  Keep an eye out-future posts of the adventures of Deadstiffcatt and his faithful companion, Penny the motorcycle, will be posted as time goes on.
   Without further adieu, here are some current pics to get us up to date:
Hilo Bay

The property

First step on the property

Penny is happy here!